Exploring the Satire Language Style in the Poem "Aku Berkelana di Udara" by Widji Thukul
Abstract: This research was conducted to describe language styles that contain innuendo or criticism that are associated with context in the poem I Wander in the Air by Widji Thukul. The qualitative descriptive method becomes the exact method used in this research, since it focuses on a systematic record with a detailed description of sentences. The reading of the poem "I Traveled in the Air" was done meticulously and carefully for precise data collection techniques. This reseach shows there is a relationship between stylistics and pragmatics that can be used as a study, namely pragmatic stylistics.
Keywords: pragmatic stylistics, satire stylistics, context.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.61436/rietm/v2i1.pp13-16
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