Research in Education, Technology, and Multiculture [ISSN: 3025-6763]: is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by STKIP Al Islam Tunas Bangsa in Collaboration with Institute of Multidisciplinary Research and Community Service and Himpunan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia.
Research in Education, Technology, and Multiculture (abbreviation: Res. Educ. Technol. Multicult.) is first published in June 2022 and covers many research in social science and community engagement. The publication frequency is twice a year in June and December. All articles will be published in English version.
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Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to, the following
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Vol 3, No 2 (2024): Research in Education, Technology, and Multiculture
Table of Contents
An Islamic Legal Perspective on Inheritance Distribution in Panyangkalang Village, Takalar Regency
DOI : 10.61436/rietm/v3i2.pp61-69
| Abstract views : 86 times
Sartika Sartika, Siti Walida Mustamin, Saidin Mansyur, Jasri Jasri, Alamsyah Alamsyah
Pages: 61-69
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Realizing Anti-Corruption Education that Synergizes with the Five Souls of Islamic Boarding Schools
DOI : 10.61436/rietm/v3i2.pp70-77
| Abstract views : 79 times
Soritua Ahmad Ramdani Harahap, Fajar Surya Ari Anggara
Pages: 70-77
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Digitization of Oral Literature and its Problems in Literature Learning in Schools
DOI : 10.61436/rietm/v3i2.pp78-83
| Abstract views : 83 times
Oktavia Winda Lestari, Ilmia Turrofiah, Siti Zumrotul Maulida
Pages: 78-83
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Decoding The Layers of Meanings In A Poem Small Kindnesses By Danusha Laméris: A Barthesian Reading
DOI : 10.61436/rietm/v3i2.pp84-92
| Abstract views : 76 times
Aliya Syifa Kurnia, R. Myrna Nur Sakinah
Pages: 84-92
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Research Trends on Creativity in Science Learning: A Literature Study (2018-2023)
DOI : 10.61436/rietm/v3i2.pp93-100
| Abstract views : 64 times
Naf’atuzzahrah Naf’atuzzahrah, Syarful Annam, Yusuf Sarkingobir
Pages: 93-100
Downloads: 14x