All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by authors from 4 countries i.e Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Nigeria.
Table of Contents
Gamified Learning in Remote Junior High Schools in Gowa Regency: Teacher Perceptions on its Role in Vocabulary Acquisition and Motivation
DOI : 10.61436/pedagogy/v3i2.pp61-68
| Abstract views : 72 times
Asni Suryaningsih, Goestina Goestina
Pages: 61-68
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Pragmatic Based Learning of Indonesian Speaking Skills at Muslim Santitham Foundation School Thailand
DOI : 10.61436/pedagogy/v3i2.pp69-81
| Abstract views : 54 times
Oktavia Winda Lestari, Mohamad Jazeri
Pages: 69-81
Downloads: 26x
Analyzing Students’ Mathematical Representation Skills in Probability Based on Learning Style Variations
DOI : 10.61436/pedagogy/v3i2.pp82-94
| Abstract views : 73 times
Fatkhunur Fariza Rahmadiansyah, Imam Sujadi, Ikrar Pramudya
Pages: 82-94
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Thai Students Enthusiasm in Learning Indonesian at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
DOI : 10.61436/pedagogy/v3i2.pp95-103
| Abstract views : 63 times
Malinee Masmummat, Wisaruta Butsaman, Oktavia Winda Lestari, Nabila Fatin
Pages: 95-103
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Development and Validation of e-Modules Integrated with PBL and Local Wisdom to Enhance Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
DOI : 10.61436/pedagogy/v3i2.pp104-115
| Abstract views : 65 times
Syarful Annam, Agus Ramdani, Muh. Makhrus, Yusuf Sarkingobir
Pages: 104-115
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